Mama cat Mocha had calici while she was pregnant and when she gave birth, so unfortunately it spread to her kittens as well. Mocha has pretty much recovered from it, but her kittens are struggling.
Long story short, the kittens have Calicivirus.
cute cat Mama Mocha had calici while she was pregnant and when she gave birth, so unfortunately it spread to her kittens as well. Mocha has pretty much recovered from it, but her kittens are struggling.
Calicivirus is a highly contagious virus that causes upper respiratory infection (sneezing, congestion, discharge from eyes & nose, etc.) in cats. Many cats with calici develop painful ulcers in their mouth and on their tongues, which Chai, Cocoa and Peppermint have.
Chai has it the worst right now with multiple painful ulcers and a very stuffy nose that makes him not want to eat by himself, which is why he’s being tube-fed every 2-3 hours. The others are not doing the best either, but are still nursing and getting several supplemental feedings throughout the day. 🍼
We are doing everything we can to make sure these babies pull through. They are strong little fighters. ♥️
I dropped off Chai & Cocoa with @furryfostersinpdx yesterday.
These two have been hit by the calicivirus the hardest so far and need to be tube-fed every 3 hours. Originally Chai came back to me after a week of intensive care with @catventurehill in hopes that he was feeling better enough to nurse on mom, but it seems that he still needs some more time before he feels good enough to eat by himself again.
I’ve been tube-feeding Chai & also Cocoa (after her symptoms got worse and she stopped eating by herself as well) throughout the past weekend, but unfortunately I’m gone/busy for most of the day on the weekdays so I’m unable to give them the care that they need during these days.
Helping animals is seriously a team effort and I’m so grateful for @furryfostersinpdx who will be caring for Chai & Cocoa temporarily for the next few days. She is amazing and the kittens are in good hands. ♥️ @fosteringlove.pdx said.
Peppermint & Matcha are currently with me and are doing good nursing on mama and getting multiple supplemental feedings per day. 🍼
Peppermint has been growing and doing so well after he figured out how to latch and eat from a syringe. (Just listen to Peppermint’s loud purrs on the third slide!) 🔊
Matcha is struggling a bit with figuring out how to eat from a syringe and is very sniffly, but she still nurses on mama. @fosteringlove.pdx said.
Also, the kittens turned 2 weeks old yesterday. Happy 2 weeks little ones!
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