Perhaps the most fantastic thing about life on this planet is the unpredictable nature of things.
Sure, there are times when the unexpected can be upsetting, or even heartbreaking, but there are also plenty of occasions wherein we’re pleasantly surprised by something we thought would never happen.
Alison Spooner and Dean Durrant look like an average couple from the outside, but it turns out their genes are special indeed. This is evidenced in the miracle that occurred in not just one set of twins they had, but two ….
Alison is white-skinned, with blue eyes and red hair, but her partner Dean is West Indian in origin. As a result, he’s naturally much darker, boasting brown hair and eyes, as well as a dark complexion.
When the couple first discovered they were pregnant with twins, they assumed their babies would take after both of them. When Alison gave birth to Laura and Hayleigh in 2001, however, the parents were met with a surprise.
Laura had inherited her mother’s light skin, blue eyes, and red hair, while her twin sister had much taken after her father.
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