When Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt started dating, the media went crazy.
You simply couldn’t avoid seeing pictures of these two in every newspaper, whether you liked, loathed, or even cared that they were two of the most attractive individuals in Hollywood.
Despite suspicions of infidelity and secret affairs, Hollywood’s most well-known couple reared their three biological children and three adoptive children together for 12 years.
Angelina mentions how they had a strong bond during the filming and their friendship developed into a love story, despite Brad being married to Jennifer Aniston. While chatting with each other they both realised that they want the same things.
IN 2005, Angelina adopted Ethiopia-born Zahara Marley and Brad Pitt co-adopted her a year later.
In 2006, they announced their relationship because Angelina was pregnant. News of their pregnancy went global and the first photo of the child was worth 1 million dollars.
On May 27, 2006, their daughter, Shiloh Nouvel, arrived into the world and her parents donated all the money from her first picture to UNICEF.
Keeping their children’s lives as private as possible was always a priority for Brad & Angelina.
Fifteen year old Shiloh has a very close relationship with all her siblings.
None of their children are active on social media, but sources say that Shiloh has not used this name for some time, but uses the name John Jolie-Pitt, which she chose alone.
In 2008, Brad Pitt mentioned that Shiloh, instructed her parents to call her John and they were happy to support this decision.
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