Flynn had never been a super snuggly kind of cat before — until he realized his mom was pregnant.
“Flynn became really protective and cuddly,” Rachel Franzen, Flynn’s mom, told The Dodo. “He began following me around the house.”
Flynn fell in love with his new baby brother the moment Franzen brought her son Rory home, and it appeared as like he had known he had been waiting for his closest buddy all along. Flynn adores his newborn brother dearly, and he especially adores all the exciting new toys that he brought.
When Flynn’s mom first brought out the new baby bouncer, he was so excited — but he didn’t seem to realize that the comfy chair wasn’t meant for him.
“Flynn is in the bouncer every morning,” Franzen said. “He definitely thinks it’s his. He will sit in it and roll upside down and want to have his tummy rubbed. It’s his ‘after breakfast’ sleep spot.”
Franzen has the bouncer set up in the bathroom so that she can watch Rory easily while she’s getting ready in the morning. Often, by the time she’s ready to put Rory in there, Flynn has already set up camp, and while she usually just shoos him away …
… she realized that putting Rory right on top of Flynn works, too.
“Flynn loves Rory, so he licked Rory’s hand and then started grooming himself,” Franzen said. “By the time I got my phone to take pictures, he just stared at me and at Rory. If I hadn’t moved Rory, Flynn would have stayed like that all day.”
Flynn didn’t seem at all fazed or bothered by having Rory snuggled up next to him — and was probably just wondering why Rory was trying to use what was clearly his chair.
They continued to hug in the bouncer chair until it was time to go on since Flynn loves Rory and is wonderful at sharing. There will undoubtedly be many more bouncer chair cuddle sessions in the future.
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